In our Parish
This week’s Mass Intentions (Daily Readings)
Thursday February 13
Genesis 2:18-25; Mark 7:24-30
9 AM – Beverly Carbin / Maria & Camille Breau
Friday February 14 – St. Cyril & St. Methodius
Genesis 3:1-8; Mark 7:31-37
9 AM – Suzanne McCormick / Ligia Rodriguez (In Thanksgiving)
Saturday February 15
Genesis 3:9-24; Mark 8:1-10
5 PM – Roberta Scime / Willard Rezende
Sunday February 16 – 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jeremiah 17:5-8; 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20; Luke 6:17, 20-26
9 AM – The Leece & Byrne Families / Estere Barthelus Raymond
11 AM – Pro Populo (for the parishioners)
Monday February 17
Genesis 4:1-15, 25; Mark 8:11-13 – No Mass
Tuesday February 18
Genesis 6:5-8, 7:1-5, 10; Mark 8:14-21
7 PM – Michael Whelan / Beverly Carbin
Wednesday February 19
Genesis 8:6-13, 20-22; Mark 8:22-26
9 AM – Emma & Edward Le Blanc
Thursday February 20
Genesis 9:1-13; Mark 8:27-33
9 AM – Freda De Jesus
Friday February 21
1 Peter 5:1-4; Matthew 16:13-19
9 AM – Theresa Woodhall
Saturday February 22 – Chair of St. Peter
Hebrews 11:1-7; Mark 9:2-13
5 PM – Majella Tremblay / Intentions of Brian Pantin
Sunday February 23 – 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Sm. 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-25++; 1 Cor. 15:45-49; Luke 6:27-38
9 AM – Pro Populo (for the parishioners)
11 AM – Intentions of Brian Pantin / Intentions of Daniel Monreal
Group Meetings
Friday February 14
AA Meeting – 9 PM – Hall
Monday February 17
Emotions Anonymous Meeting – 7 PM – WR
Tuesday February 18
Catechism – 6 PM – WR
Wednesday February 19
Mass at Wellington Park – 11AM
Pastoral Meeting – WR – 6:30 PM
Thursday February 20
Mass at Age Care Brant – 2 PM
Friday February 21
AA Meeting – 9 PM – Hall
Other Announcements
The Office will be closed for Family Day on February 17
Welcome to all who are visiting our Parish.
We pray that you are nourished by our Liturgy. If you are new to our community, please fill out a registration form and return it to the office or place in it the collection basket. Registration forms are located at all doors of the Church and you are welcome to contact the office to obtain a personal set of Church envelopes if you would like one.
Tax receipts for 2024
Will be put out in the Church for pick up as soon as they have been prepared but if you cannot collect your receipt, don’t worry – we will mail out any that are not picked up. Please be patient while they are being prepared during this busy year-end period
Sunday Offerings
Sunday, February 9, 2025: $4,996.75. Thank you for your generosity!!!
Our Building Maintenance Fund:
Thank you for your kind contribution towards our Building Maintenance Fund. The balance of $23,679.04 as at January 2, 2025 will go towards the payment of ongoing masonry pointing repairs. The remaining cost of the repairs is estimated to be approximately $80,000.00. The Committee thanks all our parishioners and benefactors for their ongoing generosity as work continues.
Knights of Columbus Corner: Recycling Palms
Not sure what to do with your old palms? The Knights of Columbus Council #18496 will have pails at each entrance of the Church marked “PALMS” Bring your old Palms in and place it in the Pail. Palms will be collected until April 7. Soup(er) Bowl Collection at the Church and the school was very successful. Thank you for your donations. The Soup Cans will be donated to the Burlington Food Bank. Thanks for your support!
Knights of Columbus
Did you know that St. John’s has a Knights of Columbus Council? We were formed in mid June of this year. Our official name is St. John the Baptist Council #18496. We are volunteers ready to work in our Church. If you are a male 18 years or older you can join our team. The first step is to look at and get a picture of what we do. The next step is to call John D’Addario 905-973-0474 and join the team!
Please do not forget that our website features a photo gallery. If you are interested in viewing photos from past events, please find the gallery at:
Pre-Authorized Giving at St. John’s Parish
Have you considered supporting the parish through pre-authorized giving? This allows you to give to the parish through scheduled monthly transfers from your bank account, and helps ensure regular, dependable contributions to the parish. Most of all, though, pre-authorized giving affords us the opportunity to re-orient how we think about giving. Rather than giving from what’s left over, this method of giving encourages us to discern a level of Parish support with greater intention. In this way, we respond more fully to the call to “honour the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your produce.” (Proverbs 3, 9-10). For more information or to enroll, please contact the parish office.
For contributions to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, please make all cheques payable to the St. Vincent de Paul Society and not to St. John’s Parish. Thank You!
The Sacrament of Baptism: Where Life in Christ Begins!
Our parish is on the lookout for dynamic volunteers to help us grow our Baptism Prep Ministry. Is the Holy Spirit inspiring you to get involved and help families prepare for the Sacrament that starts it all? Please contact Deacon Cam and Annette to find out how to join our ministry by emailing
Come and join us every Thursday at 9 a.m. for the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Holy Mass.
Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
We would love to have you join our weekly Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help immediately before the Tuesday evening Mass. We start at 7 p.m. and all are most welcome.
Visitor’s Envelopes
Kindly use a pink Visitor’s Envelope if donating a loose cheque and complete the front of the envelope in full or at least write your name. This helps immensely. If you would like a set of parish envelopes of your own, please visit or phone the office for assistance. Thank you!
Do you own a business that could serve our parish?
From time to time our parish may be in need of contracted work. We may need to go to outside companies without knowing if a parishioner is able to provide a product or service that we could use. If you own a business that could serve our parish and would like to be considered for future work, please contact Margaret Hribljan by emailing her at
If you have lost something, please check the Lost & Found baskets located at the Brant St. entrance to the Church. All items that unclaimed after a month will be donated or discarded.
Parish Hall Rental
If you wish to rent the parish hall, please contact the parish office in advance of your event to make the necessary arrangements.
Volunteering at St. John the Baptist Parish
As a new year begins, we are looking for volunteers for various church events. Volunteers are required to read the description of volunteer roles (provided) and to fill out the Volunteer Information Form which has your contact information recorded for LOW risk volunteers. The HIGH risk volunteers are required to do the volunteer form along with a police check which includes: anyone working with children, handling money or working with vulnerable people. We will be offering dates in the next few weeks to anyone who needs assistance completing forms and with police checks. Please email the following coordinators for forms or any further questions: or
Burlington Food Bank Collection
Please leave your donations of packaged and canned food items in the cupboard near the Brant Street doors if you are able to help with the food collection. Thank you so much for helping our neighbours in need. The Food Bank is extremely grateful.
In the Community
14-16 March, 2025. Venue: Manresa, 2325 Liverpool Road, Pickering. Topic will be: “The Wisdom of Henri Nouwen: Guidance
for the Lenten Journey.” by Fr. Kevin Kelly S.J. Henri Nouwen was a Dutch-born Catholic priest and a psychologist as well as spiritual guide and writer. He wrote about faith, spiritual development, prayer and other aspects of our journey with God. He was skilled in helping people understand they are beloved of God, giving and receiving forgiveness, growing in hope and accepting one’s limitations. Suggested offering $260.00. For details, please call Jonathan Fowler 905 634-0248, or Fiona (at Manresa), 905-839-2864. Registration: online: or by email
16th Annual Dynamic Women of Faith Conference
This conference will bring together Catholic women to share in hearing informative presentations, enjoy delicious food and fellowship with all those present The event will be held on Saturday March 22, 2025 from 9:00am-4pm at the Old Mill (includes light lunch) in Toronto. For more information see Recharge Your Spirit at the Dynamic Women of Faith Conference 2025; to register go to Dynamic Women of Faith Conference 2025; to register go to Dynamic Women of Faith Conference 2025 Tickets, Sat, 22 Mar 2025 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite.
In the Diocese
Is an important part of the journey of candidates following the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, RCIA. This year the Rite of Election will be held at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, in Hamilton, beginning at 1:30 p.m., March 9, 2025, the First Sunday of Lent. Candidates and their sponsors from all parishes and missions in the Diocese will gather for this celebration. The Rite closes the catechumenate period and begins the final spiritual preparation for the “Elect” prior to the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation at the Ester Vigil.
The Office for Evangelization and Catechesis invites you to join us for a four-week virtual book club, exploring the new book by Joan Watson, “Opening the Holy Door.” Tuesdays from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. March 18-April 8, 2025. Together we will reflect on the beautiful images of mercy and hope found on the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, open to pilgrims and visitors throughout the Jubilee Year. Join us for this time of prayer and conversation, drawing into deeper fellowship during this Jubilee of Hope. Registration can be made here:
During Lent this year, the Liturgy Office invites all Liturgical Ministers to gather for a Lenten retreat on the theme of Liturgical Ministers of Hope. Saturday, March 22, 2025, 0Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate, Guelph, ON, 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or Saturday, March 29, 2025, St. Matthew Parish, Oakville, ON, 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or Saturday, April 5, 2025, Annunciation of our Lord Parish, Hamilton, ON, 10:00 to 12:30 p.m.
ReSTART: Moving Forward
Our 10 week program offers education and support to anyone seeking to heal and move forward after divorce or separation. The sessions will be offered from March 24 – June 9 (no sessions April 21 & May 19) and are held at the Chancery Office at 700 King St. West in person, or you are welcome to join our zoom classroom if you are from outside the Hamilton area. Cost is $35 for materials, but no one is turned away. To register go to and look for the date under Upcoming Events, or alternatively, contact Sarah at (905)528-7988 ext. 2249. You can also e-mail her at
The Diocese of Hamilton joins the celebration of the Global Church in this Ordinary Jubilee Year, 2025, as “Pilgrims of Hope!” We are all invited to journey through this year drawing closer to God through prayer, service and experiences of renewal. Six churches have been designated as pilgrimage sites across the Diocese, welcoming you as a visitor over the course of the Jubilee to come and pray. Resources, information and locations of the pilgrimage sites are all made available on the Diocesan Website:
Will occur in Rome throughout the year. We note especially Jubilee celebrations for Deacons, Seminarians, Priests and Bishops. The Jubilee for Deacons occurs February 21-23. The Jubilee for Seminarians occurs June 23-24. The Jubilee for Priests occurs June 25-27. The Jubilee for Bishops occurs June 25-26. Check out the links for more information. The Diocese of Hamilton is not coordinating pilgrimages to Rome. Individuals wishing to join other groups are invited to contact Mrs. Marg Shea-Lawrence, Secretary of the CCCB Ad Hoc Committee for the Jubilee to determine if there are other dioceses or organizations planning pilgrimages.
Parenting Tip #165 Family time matters, as much when our children age as when they are young. It helps to ensure this happens by building traditions that everyone partakes in regularly. Traditions that everyone looks forward to and enjoys – pizza and movie nights, a special breakfast after attending Mass, games night – anything that brings you together for fun will do. The emotional health of children with these kinds of connections is stronger throughout their lifetime. As a family, plan your together time weekly and remember to share meals together daily, whichever meal of the day that has to be. With a solid family foundation, your connectedness can and will stay intact as your children grow older. (From: Teresa Hartnett, Family Ministry Office; 905-528-7988 ext. 2250)
February is known as the month of love, but love needs to be part of our thinking 24/7! Love is an action word, so take some time to reflect on your contribution to your married relationship. Do you use kind words, compliment, apologize, when necessary, show love through action in what you do for your spouse, pray for your spouse daily and make the time to be together and share your day? These will all build love and keep it strong.
Retrouvaille is a marriage program that helps couples who are struggling to restore their marriage and rebuild a loving relationship. Retrouvaille helps to improve communication, build stronger marriages and aids couples to reconnect. For more information visit or email
Are you getting married this fall or in the early part of 2025? Marriage preparation is an important way that the Church reaches out to support your relationship. Once you have spoken to the parish and booked your wedding, be sure to register for one of our upcoming courses, which run from January to December of each year. Fall 2024 dates our posted on the website now. Find our more at Preparation for Marriage – Diocese of Hamilton (
Are you celebrating your 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, or 60+ Wedding Anniversary in the year 2025? You are cordially invited to join Bishop Crosby and couples from across the Diocese of Hamilton for a Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 1, 2025 at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King in Hamilton at 1:30 pm. (Space allows room for Anniversary couples only – those married 60 years or more may bring one guest if you require assistance). Registration is found under Upcoming Events on the home page at
Children in our parishes benefit from the Catechetical Correspondence Program each year for ongoing religious education and preparation for the Sacraments. We need volunteers to support the program! If you are willing to accompany these children in their learning journey, please reach out to the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis at To learn more about the Catechetical Correspondence Program, please visit:
RESTART: Refresh, Renew, Revive Group
Struggling after divorce or separation? Join us for learning, support and fun on a Friday evenings. Held the 2nd & 3rd Fridays of each month. These get-togethers offer continual support and insights for people as they journey through the divorce/separation process and beyond. Join in-person (700 King St. West, Hamilton), or by ZOOM. Register for the sessions here: contact Sarah at 905-528-7988 ext. 2249 or, if you plan to attend in person and for the zoom link if joining online. We look forward to seeing you!
Project Rachel
If you are struggling after an abortion – either your own or someone else’s, Project Rachel is available to help find hope and healing. Please contact us at 905-526-1999.