Supporting our parish

Time, Talent, Treasure and Prayer.  There are a variety of ways you can help support your parish.  Although tithing means giving a tenth, we welcome generous financial gifts of any size within your means.  But giving is not exclusive to money.  The Church has a special need of your gifts of Treasure, but also those of Time and Talent.  Please consider getting involved in your parish.  Last but not least, we need your gifts of Prayer.  Prayer is a powerful tool.  Jesus said that if we had the faith of a mustard seed, we could move mountains.  Thank you for your generous gifts.  God bless you!!!

Envelope Giving

Envelope giving is the traditional way most parishioners are used to giving.  Many have chosen to move to pre-authorized electronic giving.  If you continue to use the envelope system, we are grateful.  During COVID – you are welcome to mail or drop off at the parish office located at 2016 Blairholm Ave, Burlington, ON L7R 1V4.  If you are a registered parishioners and don’t have envelopes, please contact the office at (905) 634-2485 or by email at:  Office Hours: Monday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM Tuesday through Friday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM.

If you are not a registered parishioner and would like to make a onetime donation, we accept cash or cheques. If writing a cheque, please make it payable to St John the Baptist Parish and drop your gift in the collection basket during Mass, drop it off, or mail it to the office at the address listed in the paragraph above.

If you’re new to the parish and would like to register, please click the “Register as a Parishioner” box below to fill out the registration form where you can select your preferred mode of giving.

Pre-Authorized Giving

Have you considered supporting the parish through pre-authorized giving? This allows you to give to the parish through scheduled monthly transfers from your bank account, and helps ensure regular, dependable contributions to the parish. Most of all, though, pre-authorized giving affords us the opportunity to re-orient how we think about giving. Rather than giving from what’s left over, this method of giving encourages us to discern a level of Parish support with greater intention. In this way, we respond more fully to the call to “honour the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your produce.” (Proverbs 3, 9-10). For more information or to register, please contact the parish office.

Leave a Legacy

The Church has been there for you and your family during the most important moments of your life. Pass your values on to future generations by providing for the ministries you love today and into the future. By planning a gift now, you can leave a legacy that will support and nourish the Church today and for generations to come.

The Parish is a registered charity and eligible to be named in your Will, resulting in tax breaks. Examples of other legacy gifts include;

  • Shares
  • Mutual Funds
  • Life Insurance
  • Real Estate
  • Annuities
  • RRSP’s
  • RRIF’s
  • Art
  • Other Investments

Your generous gifts can be given both during your lifetime as well as in your Will and we would encourage you to obtain professional advice in planning gifts and preparing your Will should you wish include your Parish.

Thank you for your generous support!